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How to Earn $10,000 Per Month From Blogging in the Philippines

Blogging can be a very lucrative endeavor if done correctly.

While reaching the $10,000 per month mark takes hard work and consistency, it is an achievable goal for many bloggers.

Here are some tips on how to earn $10,000 per month from blogging in the Philippines:

Create Value-Driven Content

The foundation of a successful blog is providing valuable content to your readers. Take the time to understand your target audience and what kind of information they are looking for.

Focus on creating long-form, in-depth content that solves people’s problems or satisfies their interests.

Think comprehensive guides, detailed reviews, or insightful commentary on your niche topics. Promote your content on social media and link building to drive traffic.

  • Target keywords and topics that have sufficient search volume and potential to attract an audience. Research using Google Keyword Planner.
  • Write posts over 1,500 words to rank well and provide enough value. Include relevant statistics, expert insights, and thorough explanations.
  • Create content pillars that allow you to go in-depth on topics and promote related posts. For example, a series on ‘Blogging Tips for Beginners’.

Build authority and trust

Position yourself as an expert in your niche by demonstrating extensive knowledge and providing unique perspectives.

People are likelier to share and link to content from trusted sources.

  • Showcase your expertise by analyzing industry data or trends. Quote experts and reference high-quality sources.
  • Share personal experiences and observations to connect with readers. Be transparent about your processes and journeys.
  • Guest post on authoritative sites related to your niche to build connections and get exposure from new audiences.

Focus on organic growth

Build traffic through search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email newsletters.

Earned media has better conversion rates compared to paid ads.

  • Research relevant keywords using SEO tools and incorporate them naturally into content.
  • Promote your posts on social media. Engage with your audience. Use relevant hashtags.
  • Send email newsletters to subscribers highlighting your latest content. Provide value beyond blog updates.

Monetize your traffic effectively

When your traffic reaches thousands of targeted visitors per month, it’s time to monetize through ads, affiliate marketing, ebooks, online courses, subscriptions, and more.

  • Join Google AdSense and display ads on your site once you have sufficient daily pageviews. Start with a simple setup.
  • Recommend relevant affiliate products naturally in your content. Join affiliate programs like Amazon Associates. Here’s our affiliate program: earn 10% recurring commissions.
  • Create premium gated content like ebooks, courses, or membership sites for recurring revenue.

Track metrics and optimize

Analyze your traffic sources, engagement metrics, and conversions regularly. Double down on what works and improve weak areas.

  • Use Google Analytics to identify your top-performing content and traffic channels. Find gaps to fill.
  • Monitor page speed, user behavior flow, and conversion funnels. Identify and resolve bottlenecks.
  • Keep testing new content formats, calls to action, monetization methods, etc. Iterate based on data.

How Long Does It Take to Make $1000 Per Month Blogging?

How long it takes to make $1000 per month from blogging depends greatly on your consistency, content quality, marketing efforts, and niche you are in.

Here are some estimates:

  • For a brand new blogger starting from scratch, it can take 6 months to 1 year to reach $1000 per month, assuming you publish high-quality content frequently and promote it well.
  • With an existing blog that already gets decent organic traffic, you could make $1000 within 1-3 months by focusing on monetization like ads, affiliates, products, and optimizing conversions.
  • In lucrative niches like finance, tech, or business, hitting $1000 per month is possible within 3-6 months with an effective SEO and social media strategy driving targeted traffic.
  • Blogging part-time or inconsistently can prolong the process to 1-2 years to make $1000 per month. Consistency and effort are key factors.
  • Already having a solid email list, social media following, or established authority cuts the time down significantly – you may hit $1000 within a few weeks or months.

The timeline also depends on costs associated with your blog.

For example, outsourcing writing or development help can speed things up but requires upfront investment.

Overall, with consistent hard work, making $1000 monthly from blogging is achievable within 6-12 months.

How Do You Generate Traffic For Your Blog?

Here are proven strategies to generate traffic for your blog:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Research target keywords and incorporate them into blog content naturally
  • Optimize pages and posts for ranking factors like title tags, meta descriptions, alt text, internal links etc.
  • Create pillar content and interlink related posts
  • Get backlinks from high authority sites in your niche
  • Write long-form in-depth content above 1500 words

Social Media Marketing

  • Share your content and engage with your target audience on relevant social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc.
  • Use relevant hashtags and mentions to expand reach
  • Run limited time social media ads targeted to your niche
  • Collaborate with influencers in your space for shoutouts

Email Marketing

  • Build an email newsletter list by offering lead magnets like discounts or freebies
  • Send regular broadcasts showcasing your latest content
  • Segment your list based on interests and engagement
  • Automate email workflows like welcome sequences, re-engagement, etc.

Content Distribution

  • Syndicate posts on and relevant online platforms
  • Repurpose content into different formats like video, podcast, infographics etc.
  • Guest post on niche sites to gain new audiences
  • Network with other bloggers in your space and share/link to their content

Paid Advertising

  • Run Google AdWords and Facebook ads targeted to your niche
  • Retarget visitors who left your site without a conversion
  • Promote lead magnets, products, or high-value content offerings
  • Start small, track conversions, and scale up profitable campaigns

Plugins and Tools

  • Install relevant SEO and analytics plugins like Yoast, Google Analytics etc.
  • Use URL link shorteners and UTM campaign trackers
  • Integrate social sharing buttons and email subscription forms
  • Test pop-ups, banners, and other plugins to convert visitors

The best results come from combining multiple strategies, testing continuously, and expanding on what performs well.

Traffic compounding takes time but improves with consistency.

Estimated Traffic To Make $10000 A Month Blogging in the Philippines

Here are some estimates on the monthly website traffic needed to make $10,000 per month through blogging:

  • For ad revenue only via Google AdSense or Mediavine – 200,000-300,000 pageviews per month. This translates to around 6,000 – 10,000 daily traffic. Display and native advertising requires high volumes but is fully passive income.
  • With affiliate marketing like Amazon Associates – 50,000-70,000 pageviews per month. You can recommend relevant affiliate products within your content. Affiliate income scales with targeted traffic.
  • Selling your own products or online courses – 20,000-30,000 pageviews per month. You’ll need sufficient visits to get conversions on high-ticket offerings. Lower traffic is needed if you already have an email list.
  • For sites relying on display ads and affiliate marketing – 100,000-150,000 pageviews per month is a reasonable estimate. Mixing multiple monetization models allows each one to work together.
  • In lucrative niches like finance and software – 80,000-100,000 pageviews per month due to higher conversion rates and commissions. For example, credit cards, web hosting etc.
  • Blogs with very high email list to traffic ratio can get by with 50,000-70,000 pageviews by using email to drive sales in addition to site traffic.

So in summary, to make $10,000 per month you would need roughly 50,000 to 300,000 visits depending on your monetization model and niche.

The fastest way to reach those numbers is through SEO, social media marketing, and email outreach.

What Would It Cost You To Start A Blog?

The costs to start a blog can range from $0 to $500+ depending on your hosting platform, customizations, themes, plugins, stock media, hiring help etc. Here are typical costs to factor in:

Domain registration – $10 to $20 per year typically. Choose a domain name relevant to your niche and brand.

Web hosting – $5 to $25 per month. Shared hosts like Bluehost are fine for most starters.

Premium themes – $40 to $60 one-time for good themes like Genesis or StudioPress with regular updates.

Stock photos – $10 to $50 per month for access to stock photo sites like Shutterstock.

Email marketing – Free to $15 per month. Use ConvertKit, MailChimp, or Drip for email subscribers.

Writers & editors – $100 to $500+ per post if you outsource content creation.

Advertising budget – $100 per month minimum recommended for Facebook/Adwords ads.

Misc plugins & tools – $5 to $20 per month for SEO, analytics, security plugins.

So in total, plan on investing around $250 to $500+ to start your blog if you want to do it right.

Ongoing costs will be $100 to $200 per month for hosting, themes, software, writers, ads etc.

Proper initial investment saves costs down the road.

Read also: How To Start a Blog in the Philippines: 10 Easy Steps


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