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No. 1 Guide To Selling Your Domain Name in the Philippines

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is the web address that points to your website or blog on the internet. For example, or

When you purchase a domain name, you own that web address and can point it to a hosting account that stores your website files and data.

Can I Sell My Domain Name to Someone Else?

Yes, you can sell your domain name to another person or company if you no longer need it. Your domain name is an asset that you own, so you have the right to sell it.

Here are some key things to know about selling domain names:

  • Transferable Asset – Domain names can be bought and sold just like any other asset. The owner has the right to sell or transfer it to a new owner.
  • Valuable Digital Real Estate – Good domain names are a limited digital resource and can command high prices on the market. Short, brandable names are the most valuable.
  • Use Escrow Services – It’s safest to sell your domain name through a secure domain escrow service. This protects both the buyer and seller during the transfer process.
  • List Your Domain For Sale – You can list your domain name for sale on popular domain marketplaces to advertise it to potential buyers. This includes sites like dotPH Marketplace, Sedo, GoDaddy Auctions, or Flippa.
  • Renew Annually – Be sure to renew your domain name registration each year so it doesn’t expire. Letting it lapse can cause you to lose ownership.

What is a Domain Name Worth?

A domain name can be worth anywhere from a few dollars to millions of dollars! The value depends on factors like:

  • Length – Short one word or brandable names are more valuable. E.g. sold for $872 million.
  • domains are generally the most valuable extension.
  • Age – Older, established domains command higher prices.
  • Traffic – Domains with existing traffic and users are worth more.
  • Brand – Domain names related to major brands or trademarks can fetch high prices.
  • Generic names – Everyday words and phrases like can be very valuable to the right buyer.
  • Memorability – Easy to remember, spell, and speak domains have higher value.

As a general rule, domain name values can range from:

  • Entry Level Domains – $9-$99 (short .net, .org, etc)
  • Mid-Tier Domains – $100-$500+ (one word .com, decent .com brandables)
  • Premium Domains – $500-$5,000+ (very brandable .com, short .com, exact match domains)
  • Ultra Premium – $5,000-$1 million+ (ultra-short .com – one to three letters or number, iconic brands)

Of course, these are just guidelines. Valuations come down to how much a buyer is willing to pay for that specific domain asset.

How Do I Know If My Domain Name Is Valuable?

Here are some signs that your domain name may be worth decent money on the secondary market:

  • Brandable – It’s a catchy, short, and memorable brand name that works for a business website, blog, or startup. E.g.
  • Type-in traffic – People directly type your domain name into the browser because it’s an exact match for search terms. E.g.
  • Generic word – It describes an industry, product, service, or action straightforwardly. E.g.,
  • Short length – The shorter the domain, the more valuable it tends to be. One word or brandable names are best.
  • Popular is ideal. .net, .org can also get good value. Newer TLDs like .io or .tech can too.
  • Memorable – It’s extremely catchy, fun, and easy to remember. E.g.
  • Existing traffic – Your domain already attracts visitors, indicating demand. Check Google Analytics.
  • SEO value – Good for search engine optimization and rankings in search results.
  • Social media handles – If your domain name matches your social handles like @awesomeblog.
  • Buyer demand – List it for sale and see if you get serious inquiries. Demand drives higher valuations.

How Long Does It Take to Sell a Domain?

Be patient, as selling a domain name can take anywhere from a few weeks to over a year. Here are some estimates:

  • Premium names – These desirable domains can sell within 24 hours of being listed since demand is very high.
  • Mid-tier names – Within 1-6 months is typical for domains with decent value.
  • Entry level names – You may need 6-12+ months to find a buyer for domains worth under $100.
  • Obscure names – Expect even longer, up to a year or more, for domains with low demand.

Tips to sell your domain faster:

  • Price it competitively based on market value. Overpricing slows sales.
  • List on multiple marketplaces like Sedo, Afternic, GoDaddy Auctions.
  • Renew for longer terms so the new owner has plenty of registration time.
  • Use buy-it-now pricing rather than auctions which can take longer to get bids.
  • Offer easy and fast transfer – push the domain immediately on purchase.
  • Create “for sale” landing pages – park the domain and post an ad to generate interest.

How do You Price a Domain Name for Sale in the Philippines?

Here are some tips on pricing domains for the Philippine market:

  • Research sale prices – Check completed sales for comparable .ph domains on various marketplaces.
  • Local demand – Certain keywords like popular Pinoy brands or names may fetch higher local prices.
  • Start higher – Price 15-25% above your target price to leave room for negotiation.
  • Consider bundles – Selling a package of domains together can increase overall value.
  • Premium names – For ultra-short .ph names, brandables, or exact match keywords, premium pricing applies.
  • Accept offers – Enable “make offer” on your domain listing so buyers can negotiate.
  • Price in USD – Most domain sales are transacted in USD since it’s an international market, even for .ph names.
  • Sell via Sedo – Sedo has extensive experience with .ph transactions and market data to price appropriately.
  • Renew longer term – Offer at least 2-3 years registration to add value for Philippine buyers.

Does It Matter Who I Buy My Domain From?

When purchasing a domain name, the most reputable place to buy from is directly from the registry operator of that TLD.

For example, .com and .net domains should be purchased directly from Verisign (via registrars like GoDaddy). For .ph domains, buy directly from DOT Philippines via accredited registrars.

Other places you can potentially buy from include:

  • Domain marketplaces – Popular platforms like Sedo, Afternic, Flippa connect buyers and sellers for resold domains. These are safe using escrow.
  • Registrars – Directly from GoDaddy or other registrars, either brand new or resold name via their auction sites.
  • Individual sellers – Sometimes people sell directly instead of using a marketplace. Use escrow and beware of scams.

Things to watch out for:

  • Expired or lapsed registrations – Make sure the domain you buy is fully registered and renewed so it doesn’t expire right after purchase.
  • Upsells – Some marketplaces try to aggressively upsell on services you may not need. Read carefully before purchasing.
  • Scams – Be wary of anything suspicious, too good to be true, or requests for unusual payment methods. Use escrow.

In general, it’s safest to buy from reputable registries, registrars, and domain marketplaces that provide dispute resolution and escrow protections in case issues come up.

This provides peace of mind for both buyers and sellers engaging in domain name transactions.

What was the Most Expensive Domain Name Ever Sold?

The most expensive domain name sale on public record is which sold for $872 million USD in 2014.

Here are some other top high value domain sales:

  • – Sold for $7.5 million USD.
  • – Sold for $5.5 million USD.
  • – Sold for $14 million USD.
  • – Sold for over $35 million USD.
  • – Sold for $1.2 million.
  • – Sold for USD 8.5 million to Facebook in 2010.

In general, ultra-premium one word domains and brand names matching major companies command the highest sale prices in the domain industry.

But even more common words like or can sell for millions to the right buyer.

The takeaway is top quality domain names are assets with real monetary value based on market demand.

Hand registering your own domain is the first step, but down the road you may be able to sell it for a nice profit as part of your domain investment strategy!

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