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Cheap Vps Hosting Philippines: All You Need To Know

VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting is a service that provides a virtual machine as a service by an Internet hosting service. It runs its own copy of an operating system, allowing customers to have superuser-level access and install almost any software. 

VPS hosting offers benefits over shared hosting, including root access, more memory and bandwidth, scalability, stability, and security. Some top affordable VPS providers in the Philippines include GoManilaHost,, Hostdave, Solid Hosting, and ALC Hosting. 

These providers offer VPS hosting services at varying price points. Additionally, VPS hosting is recommended for websites and online stores that receive a lot of traffic and require dedicated resources for better management and control


Hostinger stands out as a global hosting provider that caters to various website needs. Whether you’re looking for VPS, shared hosting, managed WordPress, Minecraft, cloud hosting, domains, or a user-friendly website builder, Hostinger has got you covered.

VPS Plans Tailored to Your Needs

Hostinger’s VPS plans are designed to meet diverse requirements. Ranging from $3.99 to $177.99 per month, the pricing depends on the specific features of each plan. These features include RAM, CPU cores, disk space, and data transfer capabilities.

The heart of Hostinger’s VPS servers lies in their robust infrastructure. Powered by cutting-edge Intel Xeon and AMD Epyc processors, these servers ensure optimal performance. The inclusion of terabytes of NVMe SSD storage and a whopping 512 GB RAM guarantees sufficient processing power for any medium or large-scale online project.

Global Reach with Seven Data Centers

Hostinger understands the importance of global coverage. With seven strategically located data centers in the US, the UK, Brazil, the Netherlands, Singapore, Indonesia, and Lithuania, Hostinger ensures reliable service across the globe.

Unmanaged VPS Hosting for Affordability

What sets Hostinger apart is its commitment to affordability without compromising quality. By offering unmanaged VPS hosting, Hostinger keeps its plans more budget-friendly than the average hosting provider. Prices for unmanaged VPS plans range from $5.99 to $21.99 per month.

Ideal for Medium to High Traffic Websites

Hostinger’s VPS hosting is tailor-made for websites with medium to high traffic, resource-heavy content, and eCommerce platforms. These plans provide dedicated resources, offering better management and control over your online presence.

Key Features at a Glance:

  • VPS plans starting from $3.99 per month
  • Seven strategically located data centers
  • Powerful servers with Intel Xeon and AMD Epyc processors
  • Terabytes of NVMe SSD storage and 512 GB RAM
  • Unmanaged VPS hosting for affordability
  • Ideal for medium to high traffic, resource-heavy, and eCommerce websites

Whether you’re launching a new website or seeking an upgrade for your existing one, Hostinger’s comprehensive hosting solutions ensure that your online journey is seamless, powerful, and cost-effective. Join Hostinger today and experience hosting excellence like never before!


UpCloud shines as a cool cloud hosting provider. They’re like the superheroes of the web, offering VPS , in-memory databases (it’s like a super-fast memory for your website), and other cloud solutions (think of it as a magical toolbox for your online needs).

Here’s the lowdown on what UpCloud brings to the table:

1. Affordable VPS Plans

Imagine having your own little corner of the internet for just $5 a month! UpCloud’s VPS plans come in different sizes, like choosing toppings for your pizza. You get to pick how much brainpower (CPU), memory (RAM), and storage space you need.

2. Operating System Choices

UpCloud is like a wizard with many spell books. They let you choose from various operating systems, like CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and even Windows Server. 

3. Fort Knox Security

UpCloud is serious about keeping your online secrets safe. They have this thing called ISO 27001 certification, which means they’re like a fortress guarding your data. Plus, they follow the CISPE Code of Conduct, a set of rules that ensures they play fair and square.

4. Backup

Ever wish you could turn back time? UpCloud makes it possible (well, for your data at least). They offer backup systems, ensuring your precious information is never lost in the digital abyss.

5. Firewall Bodyguard

Just like a head of state needs a bodyguard, your data needs protection too. UpCloud provides firewall services, acting like a shield against the bad guys lurking in the digital shadows.

6. Global Presence

UpCloud doesn’t just stick to one place; they have data centers all over the world. Picture these data centers as secret bases in Helsinki, London, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Chicago, and Singapore. It’s like having backup hideouts in different parts of the globe.

With their affordable plans, powerful operating systems, and top-notch security, you can surf the web with confidence, knowing your data is in good hands., a company based in the United Kingdom, is known for its diverse range of hosting services, which includes VPS hosting. While their primary focus is not on Asia, they cater to a global audience. 

Unfortunately, specific details about their servers in the Philippines and the pricing for basic VPS plans are not readily available in search results. 

VPS Hosting Overview

  • is a UK-based hosting provider.
  • Offers a variety of hosting services, including VPS hosting.
  • Serves a global customer base.

Customer Support

  • provides 24/7 support through telephone and email.
  • Ticket support is available even on weekends for enhanced customer assistance.

Digital Ocean

DigitalOcean stands out as a global cloud infrastructure provider, opening doors to seamless hosting through its Droplets service. Let’s dive into the details of what DigitalOcean has to offer.

VPS Hosting at Your Fingertips

  • DigitalOcean’s entry-level VPS, known as “Regular Shared CPU Droplets,” kicks off at a pocket-friendly $4 per month.
  • This basic plan boasts 1 vCPU, 1 GB memory, 25 GB SSD disk, and a whopping 1 TB transfer for all your digital adventures.

Easy Flexibility to Meet Your Needs

  • As your digital journey evolves, so can your hosting plan. DigitalOcean empowers users to scale up their VPS effortlessly.
  • You can upgrade, add, or remove virtual servers directly from your DigitalOcean account, ensuring that you have precisely what you need.

Tailored Hosting Solutions

  • DigitalOcean understands that one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why they offer a spectrum of VPS hosting options, catering to different needs.
  • Choose between shared CPU and dedicated CPU offerings based on your anticipated resource requirements.

Exploring the DigitalOcean Landscape

  • Beyond hosting, DigitalOcean provides a range of integration options with various cloud tools.
  • This allows users to seamlessly manage their cloud infrastructure, bringing together the power of hosting and cutting-edge cloud technologies.


SiteGround is an awesome company that provides a bunch of services, like shared hosting, cloud hosting, and dedicated servers. However, it doesn’t do VPS hosting. Let’s explore what SiteGround has up its sleeve!

Shared, Cloud, and Dedicated

SiteGround has got your back, whether you’re looking for a cozy spot on a shared server, the power of cloud hosting, or the exclusivity of a dedicated server. Unfortunately, VPS hosting isn’t in their repertoire. 

Cloud Hosting

If you’re eyeing the clouds, SiteGround’s entry-level cloud hosting plan is like a superhero for your website. For just $80 a month, you get four CPU cores (that’s like the brainpower), 8GB of RAM (the memory magic), and 40GB of storage (a safe haven for your data). But that’s not all!

Imagine this cloud hosting plan as your website’s bodyguard. It comes with free daily backups, a free CDN (Content Delivery Network, it helps your site load faster), and a bunch of performance boosters. SiteGround’s got your back, ensuring your website stays in tip-top shape.

Migrating Made Easy

Moving your website to SiteGround? No problem! For a fee starting at $30.00 per site, SiteGround offers a professional website migration service. They handle the heavy lifting, making sure your website settles into its new home seamlessly.

Safety First

SiteGround is like a fortress for your website. They take security seriously. Picture this: SSL certificates (keeping your data encrypted), firewalls (guarding against online threats), and regular backups (because you can never be too careful). You can sleep peacefully knowing your website is in good hands.

Customer Support

Got a question at 3 a.m.? No worries! SiteGround’s customer support is at your service 24/7. They’re always ready to assist you instantly. That’s one of the reasons why SiteGround’s customer support gets a big thumbs-up from users.

No VPS? No Problem!

While SiteGround doesn’t offer VPS hosting, its cloud hosting plans and top-notch security features make it a fantastic choice for businesses and individuals whose websites are growing and thriving.

SiteGround is your go-to web hosting company whether you need shared, cloud, or dedicated hosting they’ve got it. Your website’s safety, performance, and support are in good hands with SiteGround. 

Choosing the Right VPS Hosting in the Philippines

When it comes to selecting the perfect Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting plan in the Philippines, the price range can be quite diverse. This diversity depends on various factors, including the provider and the specific plan you choose. 

To make the best decision, it’s crucial to consider not only the cost but also factors such as reliability, support, and other key elements.

Here’s a detailed guide to help you navigate the realm of VPS hosting:

1. Budget Consideration

  • Determine your budget for VPS hosting.
  • Search for a plan that aligns with your financial constraints.

2. Resource Assessment

  • Evaluate your computing needs in terms of CPU power, RAM, and storage space.
  • Choose a VPS plan that provides an adequate amount of each resource.

3. Location Matters

  • Consider the geographical location of the VPS server.
  • The server’s location can impact the speed and performance of your website or application.

4. Support Quality

  • Assess the quality and availability of customer support offered by the hosting provider.
  • Look for a provider with responsive and helpful support to address your concerns.

5. Operating Systems and Control Panels

  • Ensure that the VPS provider offers the operating systems and control panels necessary for your projects.
  • Check for compatibility with your preferred software and tools.

6. Security Features

  • Prioritize providers that prioritize security.
  • Look for features such as SSL certificates, firewalls, and regular data backups to safeguard your data.

By thoroughly considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your specific needs and requirements. Remember, finding the right VPS hosting provider is not just about the cost but also about ensuring a reliable, well-supported, and secure environment for your online endeavors.

Read also:

Web Hosting vs Web Servers: What’s the Difference?

How Long Can A Domain Be Registered For In The Philippines?

What Type of Hosting Do I Need for My Website? A Guide for Blogging Beginners in the Philippines

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