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How Much Money Does 1,000 Views Make on WordPress?

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system powering over 40% of all websites. There are multiple ways to monetize a WordPress site, so earnings per 1,000 views can vary significantly.

Ad Revenue

Like Blogger, the primary ad monetization on WordPress is through Google AdSense. By displaying targeted text and image ads, you earn money when visitors click on them.

Factors impacting WordPress AdSense earnings per 1,000 views:

  • Niche – High-paying niches like finance, technology, travel etc. bring more ad revenue.
  • Optimization – Strategic ad placement and using ad management plugins improves click-through rates.
  • Demographics – Traffic from high CPC regions like United States, Canada, Australia etc. monetizes better.

On average, with a new WordPress site you can expect to earn:

  • Without optimization: $1 – $3 per 1,000 views
  • With optimization: $4 – $8 per 1,000 views
  • Top earning niches: $10+ per 1,000 views

Optimizing layouts and placements for your readers can significantly boost AdSense income.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate programs like Amazon Associates allow you to earn commissions by promoting relevant products through links.

Typical affiliate earnings from WordPress sites are:

  • Without optimization: $5 – $15 per 1,000 views
  • With optimization: $20 – $50+ per 1,000 views

Promoting high ticket items to targeted audiences yields higher commissions.

Sponsored Posts

Popular WordPress sites can charge brands for sponsored reviews and mentions of their products/services. Sponsored post rates for WordPress sites with different traffic levels are:

  • < 5,000 pageviews/month: $50 – $200 per post
  • 5,000 – 50,000 pageviews/month: $200 – $500 per post
  • 50,000+ pageviews/month: $500 – $5,000+ per post

High-traffic sites can command premium sponsored post rates in thousands of dollars.

Premium Content

You can monetize WordPress sites in the Philippines by offering paid premium content like online courses, memberships, webinars, guides and more.

This leverages WordPress’ powerful CMS features.

Income potential varies based on content quality and audience engagement, but premium content monetization can earn:

  • Several hundred dollars per month for niche sites
  • Thousands per month for sites with strong readership

WordPress makes it easy to accept payments and restrict access.

Overall, with solid traffic and optimization, you can potentially earn:

Pageviews/MonthPotential Earnings
1,000$5 – $25
10,000$50 – $250
100,000$500 – $2,500
1 million$5,000 – $25,000

Leveraging multiple income streams is critical for the best results.

Does WordPress Pay Well?

WordPress can be highly lucrative for bloggers who optimize monetization and traffic growth over time. Key advantages:

  • Powerful functionality – More features, plugins, integrations compared to Blogger.
  • Customization & control – Complete design and layout control unlike Blogger’s constraints.
  • SEO-optimized – Easy to customize titles, meta data, URLs etc. for better SEO than Blogger.
  • Own your platform – You own your site files and data. Not locked into Blogger’s ecosystem.
  • No proprietary ad restrictions – Free to show any ads from Google, Ezoic, Mediavine, BuySellAds etc. unlike Blogger.
  • Premium content options – Can leverage WordPress CMS features to sell courses, memberships, subscriptions etc.
  • Open ecosystem – Huge selection of plugins, themes and customizations available.

The main downside is WordPress requires more technical skill and effort vs Blogger’s simplicity.

But it provides far more control and monetization potential.

How Do You Get 1,000 Views a Day on WordPress?

To get 1,000+ daily pageviews as a new WordPress site, you need to:

  • Choose a profitable niche – Pick a niche with sufficient search volume and audience interest to monetize.
  • Create search optimized content – Target keyword-driven titles, headers, meta descriptions, image names etc.
  • Update and refresh old content – Improving existing content brings in more organic traffic over time.
  • Interlink internal content – Link between related posts to improve site navigation and SEO.
  • Promote on social media – Share new posts in relevant Facebook Groups, subreddits, LinkedIn etc. to drive traffic.
  • Build email lists – Offer opt-in forms and lead magnets to build an email subscriber list to notify of new posts.
  • Outreach for backlinks – Getting mentions and links from other authoritative sites improves rankings.
  • Write longform in-depth content – Longer 3,000+ word content ranks better and satisfies search intent.
  • Publish consistently – Aim for 2-3 new in-depth posts per week to generate more search traffic.

It takes patience and consistency, but these strategies will steadily grow a new WordPress blog to 1,000+ daily views.

How Do I Get 10k Views on My WordPress Blog?

To get 10,000+ views on WordPress blog posts, it’s essential to:

  • Create viral content – Content formatted in lists, stats, or with controversial angles tends to get shared more.
  • Optimize headlines & introductions – Catchy, benefit-focused titles and intros improve click-through rates.
  • Promote on social networks – Share posts in relevant Facebook groups, Reddit, LinkedIn groups, forums etc. with high engagement.
  • Run promotions – Contests and giveaways that require sharing, tagging or subscriptions help drive visibility.
  • Target keyword opportunities – Target high search volume keywords and questions like “How to”, “What is”, “Best” etc.
  • Get influencer shares – Reach out to influencers in your niche to share and potentially contribute quotes to your viral posts.
  • Publish shareworthy visuals – Infographics, stats images or meme-style images tend to go viral on sites like Pinterest and Facebook.
  • Optimize for voice search – Use natural conversational long-tail keywords so content ranks for voice assistant searches.
  • Refresh evergreen content – Give existing popular content a new update which can reignite shares and links.

Viral content requires experimenting with different headline formulas, angles and formats. Study your top-performing content for insights into what resonates most with your audience.

How Does One Get Paid in WordPress?

Monetizing WordPress blogs involves leveraging:

  • Google AdSense – Display text/image ads and earn revenue share when visitors click.
  • Affiliate marketing – Join affiliate programs and earn commissions promoting relevant products.
  • Sponsored posts – Get paid by brands to create sponsored content and reviews.
  • Direct ad sales – Sell banner ad space directly to advertisers in your niche.
  • Memberships/subscriptions – Offer exclusive members-only premium content and perks.
  • Online courses/coaching – Sell online courses and coaching/consulting services.
  • eCommerce – Sell digital or physical products using plugins like WooCommerce.
  • Donations – Allow readers to donate or tip through platforms like PayPal and Patreon.

Diversifying income across multiple streams is the best approach for WordPress site monetization.

Blogger vs. WordPress earnings

Here is a comparison of earning potential between Blogger and WordPress:

Monetization Options


  • Google AdSense – Displays Google ads
  • Affiliate marketing – Amazon Associates etc.
  • Sponsored posts – Paid by brands
  • Limited premium content – Some ebooks


  • Google AdSense
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsored posts
  • Direct ad sales
  • Premium content – Memberships, courses, subscriptions, virtual events
  • eCommerce – Sell products/services
  • Donations

Winner: WordPress has significantly more monetization options and flexibility.

Revenue Potential

With similar traffic and optimization, potential earnings are:

TrafficBlogger EarningsWordPress Earnings
1,000 views/month$5-$25$5-$25
10,000 views/month$50-$250$50-$250
100,000 views/month$500-$2,500$500-$2,500
1 million views/month$5,000-$25,000$5,000-$25,000

Winner: Revenue potential is similar if just using ads and affiliate marketing.

WordPress has a higher upside through premium content.



  • Limited themes and widgets
  • Restricted customization


  • Thousands of themes and plugins
  • Custom code modification
  • Unlimited customization

Winner: WordPress has vastly greater design flexibility and control.

SEO Capabilities


  • Decent metadata options
  • Subdomains lack SEO power


  • Fine-tuned metadata controls
  • Custom URLs, sitemaps
  • Superior SEO capabilities

Winner: WordPress has more built-in SEO features and flexibility.

Ownership & Control


  • Google owns your platform
  • Content can be removed arbitrarily


  • You own your platform and files
  • Full control over your site

Winner: WordPress lets you fully own and control your site.

In summary, while Blogger is easier to use, WordPress provides significantly more monetization options, customization, SEO control, and ownership.

This enables higher long-term income potential.


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