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Where Do Bloggers in the Philippines Get Money From?

Last updated on October 23rd, 2023 at 08:50 am

Are you dreaming of earning an income online but not sure where to start?

For many Filipinos, blogging has become a viable way to generate revenue working from home.

The global blogging community rakes in over $400 million annually, and Pinoy bloggers are staking their claim to a slice of these earnings.

From nano influencers earning their first pesos to elite bloggers raking in millions, blogging can pave the path to financial freedom if you play your cards right.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through proven strategies to earn as a blogger in the Philippines – how much you can make, which income streams to tap, how to stand out from the competition, and scale up your success.

So grab a cup of coffee☕, and let’s dive into the dynamic world of blogging for profit in the Philippines!

Advertising and Affiliate Marketing

Many Filipino bloggers make money by joining advertising networks like Google AdSense,, and Ezoic.

These networks allow bloggers to place ads on their site and earn money when visitors click on or view the ads.

Bloggers can also do affiliate marketing where they promote products or services and earn a commission when their readers make a purchase.

Popular affiliate programs used by Pinoy bloggers include Amazon Associates, Clickbank, Commission Junction, and Rakuten Marketing.

Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts involve bloggers getting paid by brands to create content promoting their products/services.

The rates depend on the blogger’s niche and reach.

Top bloggers can charge from ₱15,000 up to ₱100,000 for a single sponsored post.

Micro-influencers tend to charge ₱3,000-₱10,000 while nano-influencers charge ₱1,000-₱5,000 per sponsored post.

Product Reviews

Bloggers often get free products from companies in exchange for an honest review on their site.

Although they don’t get paid, free products help cut costs. Bloggers may also join programs like Tomoson that pay for product reviews.

Display Media

Display media refers to visual ads like banners, pop-ups, etc. Advertisers pay bloggers to place these ads on their site. The rates depend on the blog’s traffic and niche. CPM rates typically range from ₱2 to ₱100.

Consulting/Freelance Services

Some established bloggers in the Philippines leverage their expertise to offer consulting or freelance services like copywriting, graphic design, web design, SEO services, etc.


Bloggers with extensive knowledge on a topic can create online courses, ebooks, video tutorials, templates, etc. and sell them for extra income.


Some bloggers add donation buttons like PayPal and GCash to allow readers to support their work voluntarily.

Physical Products

Blogs focused on crafts, food, art, etc. may earn from selling related physical products like t-shirts, stickers, food items.

How many blogs do I need to make money?

You can absolutely make money from just one blog if you focus on growing it well. Having multiple blogs splits your time and delays progress.

Start with one blog in a niche you’re passionate about.

Provide value consistently through helpful informational and entertaining content.

Promote it patiently through social media, SEO, and other channels.

Monetize it wisely when you have sufficient traffic.

Once your first blog is thriving, you can consider starting another on a different topic.

But build one successful blog first before dividing your efforts.

Do all bloggers earn the same amount of money?

No, blogger income varies significantly depending on many factors like:

  • Niche – Some niches have higher earning potential. e.g. personal finance vs poetry.
  • Traffic – More visitors, more ways to monetize. Top bloggers get millions of monthly views.
  • Content Quality – Well-researched, engaging content attracts and retains readers better.
  • Monetization Strategy – Income depends on how skillfully you implement ads, affiliates, sponsorships, etc.
  • Location – Bloggers targeting richer nations earn more per visitor/click.
  • Experience – Veteran bloggers are better at monetizing vs beginners.

So bloggers definitely don’t earn the same. Income ranges from a few thousand to over a million pesos per month.

With hard work and smart strategies, you can steadily increase your earnings over time.

How do I make my blog successful in the Philippines?

Here are some proven tips to make your blog successful:

  • Choose a niche you’re passionate about – This intrinsic motivation will sustain you long-term.
  • Offer valuable, well-researched content – Consistently provide content that helps or entertains your readers.
  • Promote patiently – Grow your audience through social media, SEO, networking with other bloggers, etc.
  • Build email list – Collect emails to stay in touch with readers directly via newsletter.
  • Interact with readers – Build relationships by responding to comments, emails, messages.
  • Monetize wisely – Once you have sufficient traffic, implement ethical monetization methods mentioned earlier.
  • Track metrics – Use Google Analytics to track traffic sources, popular posts, engagement, etc. to refine your approach.
  • Outsource tasks – Hire freelancers to help with time-consuming tasks like graphics, SEO, etc. so you can focus on content.

Success takes time and sustained effort. Stay patient, work smart, and learn continually from other successful bloggers.

How much can I make from my blog?

For most bloggers, income typically starts small but can scale up significantly over months and years of perseverance.

Here’s a rough guide to potential earnings:

  • First year – Probably just a few thousand pesos per month from ads and affiliates as you build traffic.
  • Second year – ₱5,000 – ₱15,000 per month by growing traffic, adding sponsorships, products, services.
  • Third year – ₱15,000 – ₱50,000 per month through expanding monetization avenues.
  • Fourth year – ₱50,000 – ₱150,000 per month with greater traffic, leverage and diversified income sources.
  • Fifth year – ₱150,000 – ₱500,000+ per month by fully optimizing high traffic for earnings.

These numbers assume you actively publish quality content, promote excellently, and implement monetization strategies.

With passion and diligence, six-figure monthly earnings are certainly achievable within a few years.

How do i start a blog as a beginner in the Philippines?

Here are some tips to start blogging as a beginner:

  • Choose a blogging platform – Sign up for a free blog on Blogger, or self-host on
  • Pick a niche – Select a specific niche you find interesting and are knowledgeable about.
  • Get a domain – Choose a short, memorable domain name related to your niche.
  • Design your blog – Select a simple, clean theme and create branded assets like logo.
  • Write intro posts – Create a few introductory posts explaining your blog’s purpose, topics, etc.
  • Promote on social media – Create accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to start building an audience.
  • Learn SEO basics – Study keyword research and principles like metadata, backlinks to optimize posts for search engines.
  • Set up analytics – Install Google Analytics to track visits, popular posts, traffic sources.
  • Monetize minimally – Add affiliate links, display ads once you have some traffic. Don’t let it distract from content.
  • Publish consistently – Aim for at least 2-3 posts per week to keep growing your content.

Take it step-by-step and seek advice from successful blogger friends or online communities like Pinoy Blog Tips.

With dedication and persistence, you can steadily establish your blog as a beginner.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it – an in-depth look into the various ways Filipino bloggers make money online. The key takeaways:

  • Start by building one blog with a niche you’re genuinely passionate about.
  • Be patient and consistent in producing high-quality, valuable content.
  • Promote your blog through social media, SEO, networking with other bloggers.
  • Implement ethical monetization strategies once you’ve built a loyal audience.
  • Diversify income streams for bigger earnings – ads, affiliates, sponsorships, products, services, courses.
  • Track metrics and learn from successful bloggers to continually improve.

With hard work and perseverance, you can steadily grow a thriving blog that provides fulfilling work and financial stability.

When you’re ready to start your blogging journey, we can help. provides reliable, affordable hosting for Philippine bloggers.

Our optimized servers and expert support empower you to run a fast, seamless blog.

Visit today to claim your free domain and launch your blog!

The blogging world awaits – start your journey today.

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